Cassiopeia Games

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Sorceress Sorceress is the working title for a traditional roguelike I’m working on. The major idea behind this game is the magic system which is still in early stages of development. The primary goal in the design of the magic system will be to create a feeling that the player is designing their own spells without the disenchanting knobs used in many other spell crafting systems. I wanted to outline the early ideas for how I expect the magic system to work. Read More...

Junkbelt: Chapter 1 - Cybertrash

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Cybertrash Anya sat up from the hard orcish excuse for a bed. The room was large enough to fit four orc bunk beds, but not much more. Thankfully for Anya, since Orcs are significantly larger than humans, that meant it was still more than enough room for her to set up camp. Anya stepped across the room to a small cooking station she had set up. She looked in her bag to confirm that, indeed, she had run out of the rations she had been living off of for the past week. Read More...

Introduction to Seed

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Seed is a project I’ve been working on for a little while that I wanted to get up and running on the website for people to check out. The game is currently in very early stages, but I have a lot of plans for it. The basic idea with the game is that you have a set grid size to work with, currently 50x50. You start with only some grass seeds that you can plant. Read More...


7drl (3) junkbelt (1) seed (1) sorceress (1) vaporstreet (2) website (3)