
7drl Days 3&4

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So this week has been unusually busy for me outside of building the 7drl. I skipped working on the game Monday and Wednesday and only had a chance to work on the game Tuesday and today. So what I’ve been working on almost exclusively since the last update is the monster behavior. I’ve never actually worked so closely with pathfinding before. Previously I used libtcod to do most of that. For this game I’m using a-star pathfinding from a crate called pathfinding. Read More...

7drl Days1&2

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The first steps for the 7drl challenge are complete. At some point I think it might be cool to have a page hosting a different link for each couple of days to see the development progress but for now I’m just going to focus on the game. For now, please look at the Play page to see what I have uploaded. To be transparent I’m starting with the code I put together following this tutorial by Tomas Sedovic. Read More...