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tags: seed

Introduction to Seed

Seed is a project I’ve been working on for a little while that I wanted to get up and running on the website for people to check out. The game is currently in very early stages, but I have a lot of plans for it.

The basic idea with the game is that you have a set grid size to work with, currently 50x50. You start with only some grass seeds that you can plant. The seeds grow into grass. The grass attracts ants which come to eat the grass. The ants attract birds which come and eat the ants. And the birds attract… nothing just yet. But eventually the idea is that you have slowly seeded an entire ecosystem that exists only in your 50x50 grid.

The other aspect that I’m looking to implement will be a consistent random number generator seed that is used across all games. Right now it is not implemented, and to be honest I’m not even sure if it will be very apparent to the player. Ideally it will make it so playing the game in exactly the same way will produce the exactly same game every time, but straying even a little would change the game in a mathematically chaotic manner. The difficulties here is that any updates to the game will break the consistency. So while I love the idea, it isn’t really meaningful to implement until development is much more stable.