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7drl Days5-7 and post

Apologies for the delay in posting. Work got very busy towards the end of the challenge and my attention was pulled away. I was able to get something working for this game prior to the end time. At the very least, I have a “Game Over” screen which I feel is a big deal. However, the game still feels very easy (once you understand the mechanics) I expect that nobody will ever reach it unless they try. Because of this, I’m going to declare this 7drl unsuccessful.

That being said, feel free to hop over to the play page and try the game as it was at the end of the 7 days. I don’t want to call this version “final” yet because maybe I’ll pick it back up later to try to fix it up a bit.

Lessons Learned

The first thing I learned was how difficult pathfinding is. I’m glad I understand better at this point, but I should definitely get a better grasp on this before attempting the challenge next year.

Next, don’t have a demanding day job. I think next year I will try to take a whole week off for this event. My boss went out of town and I was saddled with a lot of work while he was out. I think next year I would prefer to not have that to juggle while also trying to build a game.

The Rust language is really great, but I still don’t know enough about it to quickly build a game. Since the challenge, I’ve been reading through the Rust book which has been very educational. I have a lot more to learn about the ownership concept in this language still.